Recycle Spray Irrigation

The new guidelines established by the OEPA and Ohio State University extension office allow NPDES permit holders to "recycle" treated wastewater. This technology is consistent with paper, aluminum cans, and yard waste recycling. Instead of sewer plants discharging into the waterways of Ohio, the effluent is directed to a spray field. This can be used to irrigate crops, lawns, or wood lots. This water contains needed nutrients for plant growth (ie., nitrates, phosphates, and ammonia). Also, when using the spray field, no water is being discharged into the waterways of Ohio. During this time, your system would not be liable under the NPDES program and therefore not susceptible to discharge violation fines. You would also not rely upon as much technical assistance to meet discharge limits as well as having reduced sampling requirements.

If you had a spray irrigation system in operation, your monthly fee would be less, and you would be less of a contributor of pollution in your community. We hope we will be able to present this technology to you.

Website Development

Eastwood Environmental, Inc. plans to purchase a server in the near future. The information we currently collect is entered into our office computers. When our server is in place, your facilities information will be available for your review on the internet. This data will include digitial photos, phone logs, operations & maintenance visits, lab data, and OEPA reports. Collected information is also used as supporting evidence for the monthly reports we submit to the OEPA. Your discharge permit (NPDES permit) requires by law that most of this information be recorded. Eastwood Environmental, Inc. goes beyond what is required in the permit and will continue to do so. We do this to provide you with the most service available for your dollar.